Blood, blood, and more blood

September 27, 2009

I always have a thing for blood – human blood. I must have been a vampire in my past life. You think so? I must be Lestat, Louis, Dracula, or Edward Cullen. Haha. Definitely, not the latter. Not that I hate Twilight Saga or something. Anyway, I have been watching gore-saturated movies lately. And I can’t seem to get them out of my head. I wonder what their blood types are when they splatter off the screen. As for me, I forgot my blood type. I had it checked when I was a kid. Could I become an AB if my mom’s A and my dad’s B? Just a thought.


I know I’ve always wanted to be a nurse or a doctor. I wanna hold a scalpel, 10-blade, clamp, suction, and all those stuff they use for sutures or surgeries. Geez, I wanna cut someone open when I get angry. Does that occur to you as sane or am I totally out of my mind? But darn, poverty sucks that I can’t even go to a med school! I guess I had to live with my fantasies, wearing cute scrub caps and become one of the best neurosurgeons in my wildest dreams! Fuck, Grey’s Anatomy reruns.


Why are some people afraid of blood? Mostly, big guys. My team leader lost his senses when he sees blood. And, his like six footer or something. My team mate’s boyfriend who’s a basketball player can’t take a look at a drop of blood, much more a bucket. Must be the tough, big guys. Hmm, makes me wonder.


Twilight Saga fanatics, congratulations. Who has never seen the Twilight: New Moon Trailer? Well, I have to say the effects were cool. Compared with the first one, I think this one will be a hit. Take a peek!

Rubik’s Cube

March 12, 2008

I’ve been through a lot of things lately. That’s the main reason why I had to stop blogging for a while. My mind was preoccupied with a lot of things. All of them want to be written, so I ended up writing nothing.

Pregrancies.No, I’m not pregnant! How can I be? LOL. My mom is already 44 years old. And she’s got a baby in her womb. That dude there would be the 7th member of the family. It was hard for us to accept the fact that she’s heavy with child, at first. Isn’t she scared of high risk having a baby at her age? Amf. Well, they said it’s a blessing to have a child. So, we just shut our gob up. You think it will be cute and winsome when a baby is bawling in the middle of your forty winks? We have no choice. Oh, our youngest is 18 years old, by the way. So, I think it’s time to have a baby playmate at home. Hmmm.

And, not only my mother is pregnant, but my 18-year old sister as well. Shocking? Yeah! Jaw-dropping. She’s 18 and still studying. Goodbye nursing career! And the father? Well, that would be too much of an information. That would be a very long story. I digress. 

I hate you premarital sex! I hate you lust! I hate you libido! You ruin lives!

Then again, we didn’t know what to do. We have no choice. So, that makes it two babies. Quite cool, huh? Synchronized crying. Synchronized poopoo and pee. Arrghhh. Sorry little angels, but I have to say this. I hate babies! I just don’t know. Maybe because I don’t want to touch their delicate and fragile bones, their soft skin, their soft head (?), or even to hear their cry. These are signs of weakness. And, I hate being weak. Babies remind me of my inner self. Char!

But I love kids. I love it when they start to walk and talk. I love it when they giggle for small things. Run here, run there. Talk here, and talk there. For me, these are signs of strength. Signs of trying to live. Struggling to survive. Kids remind me of who I want to be. care. hehe.

Grey’s Anatomy.Well, I have spent free time reading Grey’s Anatomy Script. Yeah. From Season 1 to Season 4. All the Episodes. That’s quite a lot, I know. I enjoy it. Really. I love it when they say morphine, barbital, demerol, cardiothoracic, neuro, psych, neonatal, mesenteric teratoma, tumor, cancer, necrotic bacteria, flu, syphilis, and all other medical terms. Somehow, that made me want to become a doctor. A surgeon at that. 10-blade scalpel. Suction. Drill. Suture. Whip stitch. Aren’t they wonderful? That’s why I got hooked up reading the script. I hate you Grey’s Anatomy. That’s because you make me build castles in the air! I hate you because you make me feel so frustrated in life that I want to practice surgery on my own brain! Toinkz.

Breakups. Okay. The word says it all.

New Projects. Yeah. I’m busy. I love new assignments. They make me think that life isn’t that boring after all. So, keep ’em comin’.

Caffeine. I did not have coffee or coke, lately. Abstinence. A vow of celibacy (?). Kidding. The absence of caffeine makes me feel like got out of the wrong side of the bed. Bad-hair day. So, I wouldn’t be in the mood to blog. Somehow, I want to have my own vending machine. What do you think? A good idea!

Well, life is like a Rubik’s Cube. There are innumerable wrong twists and turns. But when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter which side you look at.

Now, I remain alive. And I’m back in the game. Isn’t that great? I don’t think so.